f6d3264842 The Ithorian at #2 will let you into Hangar Bay 2 once you have any quest ... And the Czerka Officer at #5 can tell you about Batono, another Lt. Grenn side quest.. should i help out the ithorians or czerka corp? which is light n dark?. Also for the Smuggling quest - how do I get in to the Ithorian dock to ... I'm assuming you're playing an evil character and side with Czerka .... Chodo Habat was a male Ithorian Force Adept, and leader of the herd that oversaw ... and Dxun, but as the contract disputes with Czerka continued, and Onderon .... Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (First appearance) .... I want to go DS so I'm considering the Czerka... but are their rewards better? ... Ithorians are too OP ... makes me feel good. This is kotor 2 BTW .... Let's Play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II by Scorchy - Part 7: Telos: The ... Okay, so the Ebon Hawk isn't coming back any time soon; let's visit the Ithorians. ... I fear that if Czerka continues to interfere in the restoration project, it will .... Aug 16, 2013 - 19 min - Uploaded by RaGe BoX Let's PlayIn this episode we talk to both Czerka and the Ithorians and decide on which group to help with .... Jun 26, 2009 - 11 min - Uploaded by virtualcat2010In Czerka Offices, I see the escaped criminals (1). Lorso explains how Czerka is planning to use .... In the sequel, why is siding with the Ithorians considered better than the Czerka Corporation? Granted, the ecosystem is nice and cute and cuddly, and Czerka .... SO I just got KOTOR 2 for my birthday last week. I have made it to the station on Telos and just about finished the Ithorian missions. ... I am currently doing the one to steal the info from the Czerka memory core. Anyway, when I .... If you are going for the Light Side then you want the Ithorians. If you choose Czerka there will be some "unnecessary" killing that you will have to do. Therefore .... Having never done them before, I figured that agreeing to help the Ithorians with that droid but to ultimately deliver it to Czerka would have the .... Oct 6, 2017 ... Star Wars KOTOR 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and ... Offer to help Czerka steal the Ithorian's droid from docking bay.. Mar 21, 2005 ... Help #2: I got a call in the medical bay that says I need to go to an apartment. ... I successfully ask the Ithorian to deactivate the security for the plant but nothing happens .... P.S. that blaster wasn't made by Czerka its Samhan's.. The first to call are the Ithorians, the second is Czerka. Ithorians are peaceful, hippy types who live in-tune with nature. Czerka is an evil soulless corporation that .... On Telos, which ones do you side with? I prefer to side with the Ithorians, although I have sided with Czerka before. On my current file, I'm dark .... How do you get through that locked door in that czerka station? ... Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Questions and answers, Xbox. ... Bay 2 (ithiorian docking bay) door complete ithorian missions to get the shuttle, or get .... Dec 10, 2016 ... That woman (don't remember her name) even said that the Ithorians would drive the Republic into ... STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™ ... Why is siding with Czerka on Telos a "dark side" option?. Spoilers might follow I guess for anyone who hasn't yet played. So although Kotor2 is my favourite game of all time, I always struggle with.... While waiting to be released you'll be visited by an Ithorian and then receive a call from Jana Lorso. .... If you come on behalf of Czerka (Dark Side) then she'll have two more quests for you ... Back: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Walkthrough ...
Kotor 2 Czerka Or Ithorian
Updated: Mar 16, 2020